Slow Cooker Christmas Casserole


Slow Cooker Christmas Casserole

A delicious casserole with all the flavours of Christmas! Perfect for weeknight cooking, and any roast dinner leftovers too! 

Is it too soon to say the 'c' word? No, not that one! Christmas! It's exactly 1 month until Christmas eve as I type this post up, and my neighbour across the road already has their tree up! 

This recipe was kind of inspired by me needing to use up some vegetables that I had in my fridge, as well as thinking of a great way to use up any Christmas leftovers. 

It's also really versatile, so if you add a little more stock it's more like a soup. Eat your heart out, Greggs! 

Slow Cooker Christmas Casserole

This recipe is so easy to make, because you can just throw everything in the slow cooker and let it cook! 

I made this while I was working at home, and it honestly made me feel so hungry all day because it smelt sooo good as it was cooking! 

Slow Cooker Christmas Casserole