Cakes for Your First Date to Bring Relationships to a New Level

Cakes seem to be everywhere these days. Whenever you do a spot of channel-hopping, one thing can be guaranteed. Sooner or later, you’re going to alight on a show where contestants are throwing together an array of mouth-watering ingredients as they concoct delicious cakes, pastries, and desserts. This is fabulous if you’re also planning a first date with someone who tantalizes your romantic taste buds. Let’s look into combining two of the great pastimes of the modern age – romance and baking cakes – with advice about meeting someone sharing your passion for puddings. With our top three recipes thrown in for good measure!

Meet your sweet lover on a dating site

If you’re merely seeking a new partner, perhaps your gut instinct might be to go down the tried-and-tested route of hanging around in social settings. But if you have specific tastes, your best bet would be to utilize an outlet where you are guaranteed to find people on your wavelength. This is where digital dating outlets can prove to be a fantastic resource. So, if you’re on the lookout for one-night friends who also have a sweet tooth and, like you, simply cannot resist the allure of well-decorated, tasty cakes, signing up to an appropriate dating service will introduce you to a range of likely candidates. All you’d have to do would specify your love of desserts in your profile, then when you complete your search form, mention that you’re seeking someone who relishes cake-making shows on TV. 

Get to Know More Using Profiles 

As stated, profiles can help bring lovers of cakes together. Algorithms – software built into a matchmaking website or app – will also help to get you paired with another single sharing your interests. Once you’ve connected with this person, you can develop a rapport with a series of flirty messages using the site’s private communication channel. What better subject for your first rendezvous than offering to make your new partner an appetizing cake? This temptation will work on so many levels. It will endorse this hobby you share. It will also reveal you as a thoughtful and imaginative person. You could so easily have just suggested visiting a coffee shop and picking out cakes to accompany the caffeine injection. But going to the trouble of baking and decorating a cake you can enjoy together will elevate you in your loved one’s estimation! Also, eating can be a considerable aphrodisiac. As you sit on opposite sides of the candlelit table, gazing into each other’s eyes, wolfing down slices of a flavorsome dessert can pave the way for the remainder of your evening to become seriously passionate!

One positive that has come out of the pandemic is that small businesses are flourishing, with many of these dedicated to dining. Cake making is becoming hugely popular. For our final slice of dating advice, here are three of our most recommended recipes for you to concoct a succulent pudding.

Chocolate Swiss Meringue with Buttercream

The name itself practically oozes from the page, doesn’t it?! You’ll need 150g of caster sugar, the whites of five eggs, a quarter teaspoonful of salt, 300g of softened (unsalted) butter, 100g of melted and cooled dark chocolate, ditto milk chocolate, and one teaspoonful of vanilla extract. Mix the sugar, egg whites and salt over simmering water. Stir until the sugar dissolves before transferring it to another bowl. Now whisk. Add the butter, two cubes at a time, popping each mixture into the meringue. Keep whisking. Add the chocolate. Decorate with icing.

Fairy Cakes

250g of self-rising flour. 125g unsalted butter. 185g of caster sugar. One teaspoonful of vanilla essence. 2 beaten eggs. 100ml of milk. The icing is made from 2 strawberries, 200g of mascarpone, and 4 tablespoonfuls of icing sugar. Heat your oven to 180 (gas mark 4). Line a 12-hole cupcake tray with paper cases. Sift the flour into a bowl, adding butter, sugar, eggs and essence. Apply an electric beater, then add milk. Spoon mixture into the cases. Bake for 20 minutes. Mash the icing ingredients together, chilling for 30 minutes. Layer on top of the cakes.

Strawberry tart

125g unsalted butter, 85g icing sugar, one egg, 200g plain flour, 100g strawberry jam, 500g strawberries. Beat the butter and sugar together, mix in the egg, adding flour. Knead the dough, chilling in the fridge. Heat your oven to 200 degrees (gas mark 6). Bake until crispy. Add crème patisserie, jam, and sliced strawberries.

Cakes look so tempting but go against the climate of healthy dining. But an occasional cake will make a date evening even special – everything in moderation. Remember, there are always sugar-free or slimming-friendly alternatives. So, what are you waiting for? Get into that kitchen and start cooking up a treat!