How Long Does THC Stay in Your Body & What Factors Impact It

Metabolism of THC: How the Body Processes and Eliminates THC

Like many drugs, marijuana's duration in the body depends on various factors. The user's frequency of usage, drug potency, metabolism, and hydration can alter drug test results.

THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, can be found in hair for 90 days, urine for a month (or more, depending on consumption), saliva for 24 hours, and blood for 12 hours.

THC Metabolism and Storage


How Does Your Body Process THC?

Cannabis' euphoric effects are mostly due to tetrahydrocannabinol. The liver produces THC metabolites. THC in tissues and organs is released into the circulation over time. Your liver metabolizes residual THC. 

Regular marijuana users store more THC in their fat than infrequent users. A Delta 8 gummies drug test can show up weeks or months after your last marijuana use.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

How long does it take to detox from THC


Several variables affect how long THC and other traces of marijuana stay in the system and are detectable in drug tests, including: 

• The amount of THC in the marijuana 

• The method of consumption 

• The user's metabolism rate and excretion routes 

• The user's gender, hydration levels, body mass index (BMI), overall health, lifestyle, and genetics

The drug test utilized also impacts the duration of detection. Weed usage may typically be detected in hair up to 90 days after it was last used. Urine, saliva, and blood tests can detect cannabis usage for 30 days, 24 hours, and 12 hours, respectively.

Saliva Test

A drug test using a tongue swab can be completed quickly and painlessly. The inside of the cheek or the tongue is rubbed with an absorbent pad attached to a stick. THC is rapidly absorbed through the mouth, raising blood levels for hours afterward.

Urine Test

THC can be identified in urine for a long time, making it the most common cannabis drug test.

Hair Test

The window of detection for testing hair is quite large. The hair can detect three months of marijuana use on the scalp. Studies reveal that hair tests only detect significant cannabis use, not occasional use. One study found that 75% of heavy cannabis users and 39% of occasional users had positive hair THC tests.

Blood Test

Because of how briefly THC from marijuana may be detected in blood, these tests are rarely employed. THC enters the circulation quickly (within minutes of inhalation) but rapidly decreases 3-4 hours after consumption.

How to Eliminate THC from Your Body

Your liver metabolizes most of the THC in marijuana; thus, increasing your metabolism gets it out faster—regular exercise and water boost metabolism.

Urinary THC levels will decline over time without any special treatment. Detox tablets might accelerate the procedure. A detox pill can speed up marijuana elimination from urine.

The Macujo Method is a popular procedure for cleansing the hair of harmful substances. The removal of metabolites from hair is the primary goal of this technique. To get to the metabolic storage area in the hair follicle, the hair's cuticles must be opened. The Macujo Method is expensive but has a 90% success rate on drug tests.


Marijuana is not harmless, contrary to common assumptions. Medical professionals make a diagnosis of marijuana dependence by looking for a set of symptoms and alterations in behavior. Marijuana addiction, when meeting diagnostic criteria, is classified as a cannabis use disorder. Despite its negative effects on their personal lives, professions, education, and physical and mental health, those with this illness cannot quit marijuana.

Recent research estimates that 30% of frequent marijuana users may have a problem. Users under 18 are 4 to 7 times more likely to get addicted as adults. A qualified rehabilitation facility can help you or a loved one with marijuana use. Check out THCA Flowers