If you love Nandos, you'll love this Nandos Style Lemon & Herb
Chicken fakeaway recipe!
It's no secret that I love to make a
Fakeaway- a popular takeaway or fast food classic that's made at home and
You may also love my Nandos Pasta Recipe!
Nandos have a wide range of their sauces to buy, but they are often quite oil
heavy and not all that healthy, if you're trying to watch the calories or lose
weight. This is why I love to try and make my own at home!
Previously I based it on the spicy sauce. For those who aren't a fan of the
heat may be a fan of their 'lemon and herb' sauce. It's milder, with a zesty
lemon kick
If you want to have a few Nandos style sides, then check out my
Nandos Spicy Rice Recipe, or even my
syn free Coleslaw.
If you fancy a bit more spice you can try the
traditional Nandos sauce.
Need some help with meal planning? Check out my selection of
Free Slimming World friendly meal plans, which include shopping lists for each different
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Thinking of trying out these recipes? If you do, I would love to see a
picture of your creation! @SugarPinkFood on Twitter, @sugarpinkfood_sw on instagram or Sugar Pink Food: Slimming Recipes on Facebook!
What do you think of this recipe? Let me know in the comments below!
Nandos Style Lemon & Herb Chicken Recipe
All syn calculations are my own, and are for guidance only. I am not
affiliated with Slimming World in any way. These are meals and recipes
that I have followed myself. This website is unofficial and in no way
part of or representative of Slimming World. You should check with
Slimming world for the most up to date Syn values using official
resources such as the Syns calculator, Syns Online on LifelineOnline
or by calling the Syns Hotline on (0906) 851 8518.
You will need:
For the marinade:
2 shallots, finely diced
3 garlic cloves
1/4 red bell pepper, insides removed
juice of 1 lemon
Salt and black pepper
1 tbs apple cider vinegar
1 tbs lemon zest
2 tsp dried parsley
2 tsp dried thyme
2 tsp dried rosemary
2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp allspice
1 tsp sweetener
3 sprays of low calorie spray
4 chicken breasts, all skin removed
1 Yellow pepper, finely diced
1 onion finely diced
Add all the ingredients for the marinade into a food processor. Blitz
until smooth.
Pour the sauce over the chicken and leave covered in the fridge to
marinate over night, or at least for a couple of hours.
When ready to cook, Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees.
Add the chopped peppers and onions in the bottom of the tray.
Add the marinated chicken, the pour over any left over sauce over the top.
Spray with low calorie cooking spray, and cook for 35 minutes, check
chicken is cooked through before serving.
I am not affiliated with Slimming World in any way. These are meals and
recipes that I have followed myself.
All images and content on Sugar Pink Food is copyright protected.
If you wish to share this recipe, then please do so by using the share
options provided. Do not screenshot or post recipe or content in full
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